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Rust SDK

The code for the Rust SDK lives in /econia/src/rust/sdk. The SDK provides direct access to the Econia protocol, and comes with an example script described below.


  • The main struct of the SDK is EconiaClient. This allows you to submit transactions, query events and get a view client (EconiaViewClient). To create a new EconiaClient, you need a node URL, the Econia package address, an aptos_sdk::types::LocalAccount, and you can optionally pass a client config. You can also pass an API key, that you can get on the Aptos Developer Portal.

  • In econia_sdk::entry, you can find helper functions to create transactions for every entry function of the Econia package. These can then be submitted using the EconiaClient::submit_tx.

  • To access view functions, you can use EconiaClient::view_client, which will return an EconiaViewClient, which has bindings for every view function in the Econia client.

Example script

You can see the source of the script here. It is recommended that you follow the tutorial with the source code opened in another window.


To run the example script, you first need to run a local Aptos node:

brew install aptos # only if necessary
mkdir aptos && cd aptos
aptos node run-local-testnet --with-faucet

In another terminal, run the following:


You'll also have the option of entering these as prompts of the script, but the environment variable is preferred because it's easier to run multiple times. It's time to deploy our own Econia Faucet to the local chain:

git clone # only if necessary
cd ./econia/src/move/faucet
aptos init --profile econia_faucet_deploy # enter "local" for the chain
export FAUCET_ADDR=<ACCOUNT-FROM-ABOVE> # make sure to put 0x at the start
# deploy the faucet (all one command)
aptos move publish \
--named-addresses econia_faucet=$FAUCET_ADDR \
--profile econia_faucet_deploy \

You also need to deploy Econia:

cd ./econia/src/move/econia
aptos init --profile econia_exchange_deploy # enter "local" for the chain
export ECONIA_ADDR=<ACCOUNT-FROM-ABOVE> # make sure to put 0x at the start
# deploy the exchange (all one command)
aptos move publish \
--override-size-check \
--included-artifacts none \
--named-addresses econia=$ECONIA_ADDR \
--profile econia_exchange_deploy \

It's time to run the script! Setting our environment variables will have cleared the initial setup prompts for us. In order to run, go into the econia/src/rust/sdk/example folder and run cargo run -- $APTOS_NODE_URL $APTOS_FAUCET_URL $ECONIA_ADDR $FAUCET_ADDR.

Understanding the example script

The script is separated in steps. To go to the next step, press enter.


Before the first step, there is an initialization phase where the Rust code creates the necessary variables for the rest of the code, and creates and funds a main account. This is handled by the init helper function. The account helper function creates a new Aptos account and funds it through the faucet.

Step 1: Create a market

First, we'll create a new market on the freshly deployed Econia package.

To do this, we will create an EntryFunction. This is a struct passed to EconiaClient::submit_tx in order to call a Move package's function. To do this, we use the helper function econia_sdk::entry::register_market_base_coin_from_store.

Once that is done, we can use the result to call the submit_tx function.

We then use an EconiaViewClient (that is dropped as soon as we finish using it) to get the market ID of the created market.

Expected output:

==========Create a market for eAPT/eUSDC==========
Market created with ID: 1
Press enter to continue (next step: Set up account A)

The expected output might differ if you already ran the script once without resetting the chain.

Now, the first step is finished. To go to the next step, press enter. You will have to do this after each step.

Step 2: Set up account A

We will use the account helper function (you can find its definition in the script's source). The function initiates an account with some funds from the Aptos faucet. The function returns a tuple with the address of the newly created account and an EconiaClient corresponding to that account. In order to make a call with this account, you'll have to use this client. You will have to use multiple clients and it is important not to mix them up.

Next, we'll fund the accounts with some example coins (eAPT and eUSDC). To do so, we use the fund helper function (you can find its definition in the script's source).

Now that that's out of the way, we'll register the account to the market. This is an important step that all accounts have to do before participating in a market. For this, we'll use the register_market_account function that will create the appropriate EntryFunction for us. We then submit it.

We'll deposit some coins to be used to open orders. For this, we use deposit_from_coinstore.

You should see the following (ADDR_A would be a randomly generated address):

=================Set up account A=================
Minted eAPT to ADDR_A
Minted eUSDC to ADDR_A
Registered market account for ADDR_A
Deposited eAPT from coinstore for account ADDR_A
Deposited eUSDC from coinstore for account ADDR_A
ADDR_A was successfully set up
Press enter to continue (next step: Place two limit orders with account A)

Account A is now set up and ready to be used.

Step 3: Place two limit orders with account A

As the title says, it's showtime. Let's place some orders.

======Place two limit orders with account A=======
Placed bid order for account ADDR_A
Placed ask order for account ADDR_A
Press enter to continue (next step: Set up account B)

This is a bit more complex than previous code. Let's inspect the place_limit_order_user_entry function. Its first argument is the Econia package address, as is the case for all other functions in the entry module. Then comes two type arguments, base and quote. These are Aptos type arguments: see the init function to review how they are created, or look into the Aptos docs for more details. Next we have the market ID which is a simple integer. Then comes the integrator. You can read more about integrators here, but for now, we'll just set this to the Econia address. We then have side, size, and price which are integer values. You can read more about these here. Next up is restrictions and self match behavior.

Step 4: Set up account B

We'll now set up a second account. As this is the same procedure as before, we're not going to explain it again.

=================Set up account B=================
Minted eAPT to ADDR_B
Minted eUSDC to ADDR_B
Deposited eAPT from coinstore for account ADDR_B
Deposited eUSDC from coinstore for account ADDR_B
Press enter to continue (next step: Place two market orders with account B)

Step 5: Place two market orders with account A

We'll now place two market orders. For this, you've probably guessed it, we'll use the place_market_order_user_entry function.

======Place two market orders with account B======
Placed market bid order for account ADDR_B
Placed market ask order for account ADDR_B
Press enter to continue (next step: Check the events for filled orders)

Here, the first 7 arguments are the same. Then we have self matching behavior as the last argument.

Step 6: Check the events for filled orders

We'll now check that two orders were filled, as expected.

========Check the events for filled orders========
2 orders were filled
Press enter to continue (next step: Cancelling account A's remaining orders)

For this, we'll query the filled order events, and check that there are two of them. To do this, you could simply use the Aptos SDK, but we have a helper function in EconiaClient. First, we get the creation number of different event types, and then we use the EconiaClient::get_events_by_creation_number function.

You can see that we use market_event_handle_creation_numbers.fill_events_handle_creation_num as an argument to the function, and we get the right type of events. Last two variables are for pagination, but they're optional, and since we do not need pagination here we'll leave them as None.

Step 7: Cancelling account A's remaining orders

Let's see how we cancel an order. By now, you should be used to the procedure. First, create an EntryFunction, then submit it.

We'll also query events to make sure we did right.

=====Cancelling account A's remaining orders======
2 orders were cancelled
Press enter to continue (next step: Placing competitive limit orders (top-of-book) with account A)

Here, just like before, we use EconiaViewClient::get_market_event_handle_creation_numbers, but now we pass market_event_handle_creation_numbers.cancel_order_events_handle_creation_num as an argument instead.

Step 8: Placing competitive limit orders (top-of-book) with account A

Lastly, we'll place some more orders.

There are three functions we created here:

  • get_best_levels: makes use of the get_price_levels_all view function to get the best prices and sizes on the market.
  • place_limit_orders_at_market: uses the previously mentioned get_best_levels function to place two limit orders (ask and bid) at a competitive price.
  • report_best_price_levels: uses get_best_levels to print the state of the market.
Placing competitive limit orders (top-of-book) with account A
There is no eAPT being bought or sold right now
Best price levels:
Highest BID/BUY @ 1004 ticks/lot, 500 lots
Lowest ASK/SELL @ 1996 ticks/lot, 500 lots


You have finished the Rust SDK walkthrough !